Note from Pastor Mark

Let’s talk Christmas at Pickens View. 

THE BIG ONE – Live Nativity – It’s all hands on deck.  We have done this before, and based on our best night last year I would not at all be surprised to have 2000-2500 people come through.  It’s fun to be part of a team that does something this exciting.  But beyond that, this can make a huge spiritual impact on the Pickens community and surrounding area.  It’s not too late to get involved.  If you are new to the church, don’t be shy about asking to participate.  It’s a good way to make new friends here at the church too.  Call Pastor Paul today to ask questions.  Sign up Sunday, and when Michelle Gareri will call you about what slots you will fill.  Remember, the Nativity is December 19-21, from 6pm to 9pm.

CHRISTMAS SUNDAY WORSHIP – We will be weary on Sunday after three nights of Live Nativity, but let’s make Sunday, December 22 a day to celebrate and thank God for his help that week and for the gift of His Son Jesus.

CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE – It will be a Candlelight service for the entire family and will be shorter than one hour. It’s a great way to launch into the final part of your Christmas.  Make that service a part of whatever plans your family has for Christmas Eve.  What a great opportunity to invite your friends who don’t attend church.  

CHRISTMAS CARDS – For those of you who will be sharing Christmas Cards with people who attend church here, there is a mailbox in the lobby area.  You don’t need stamps.  Just take time to put each card into the slot with the letter the last name begins with.  Then, all of you check through them before Christmas to see if you got cards.

MARCH TO THE MANGER CHRISTMAS OFFERING – It’s an opportunity to express thanks to God for his goodness in sending Jesus and for his daily blessings.  On Sunday, December 15, we will have a manger at the front of the church.  Also, starting this Sunday, we will have special Christmas Offering envelopes on the back of the pews.  We already did Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes to share with others beyond us.  This offering will be used for two projects.  The first one will be to purchase equipment for a brand new ministry called Centershot.  It’s a great ministry for children, youth, people of all ages.  It combines learning how to correctly shoot archery and challenging people to put Christ at the center of their lives.  The second project will be toward sealing our church parking lot and getting it looking good again.  There is no pressure to participate.  Last year, we had more than $16,000 come in.

COOKIES, CAROLS AND KIDS – An evening for the entire family.  It starts in the worship center singing some Christmas Carols, then moves to Heritage Hall for all kinds of cookies and fellowship.  Everyone is welcome.  It is Wednesday, December 11@ 6:30pm.

THE CAST OF CHRISTMAS SERMON SERIES – This Sunday, our focus is on the Angels and Peace.  Also, we will be saying thank you and goodbye to Pastor Jake for his time serving with our youth here.  Join us at 10:30am.  Sunday School is at 9:30am. 

ONE MORE THING – Our devotional books The Word for You Today (for Dec.-Feb.) are here.  Pick one up this Sunday and use it daily in your time alone with God.

You are loved!

Pastor Mark

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