Note From Pastor

I can hardly believe it, but we have just one more week to finish our Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes.  You still have time to get a box to fill this week.  Every year I have been here, we have given a very generous number of boxes.  Let’s do it again this year. Boxes are available in the church lobby.

Homecoming Day 2019 at Pickens View was an exciting day.  Before service began last Sunday, I looked down the hallway outside my office.  One of our college students was walking toward me.  I don’t remember the exact words, but after just experiencing the new look in the lobby was moved almost to tears.  How do I know that?  Because she said so.  I think it was a combination of gratitude, excitement and appreciation.  Yes, and even pride.  She is proud of her church.  I am proud and thankful too.

This year’s homecoming was one of the largest crowds (185) we have had in the nearly four years that I have been your pastor.  The choir was big.  The music was fantastic.  The children playing the offertory with bells was wonderful.  The new look in our facilities was refreshing.  Having former pastors/assistant pastors with us was delightful.  The guests who came were encouraging.  The pictures from the past on the screens were nostalgic.  The return for a day of some who used to worship here was appreciated.  The offering was strong and needed.  The fellowship was enjoyable.  The food was delicious.  And best of all God was here.  Thank you for coming.  A lot of work went into making those three hours very special.  Thank you for serving. 

 For some of our families, last week was a very difficult week.  I am so thankful that when those times come, God cares and can help.  And He does.  Trust Him.

To all of you guests – we would love to have you back.  To all you who brought guests, invite them back for Sunday.

Church, it’s time to start preparing to touch hundreds in our community with our Live Nativity.  Be sure to volunteer.    

You are loved!
Pastor Mark

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